Dog Trainer & People Educator

"Dogs are meant to compliment our lives, not complicate them."

Online Dog Training

Is it right for you?

Personalized training programs to help you achieve your goals no matter where you live.

Online Dog Training

Are you trying to decide if online dog training is right for you and your dog?

Some things to consider

  • Sessions are personalized to you, your problems, goals, and environment.
  • Eliminates travel time and helps with a busy lifestyle for timing.
  • No geographical limitations, allowing access to the right trainer for you, regardless of location.
  • The ability to rewatch the recorded session for clarity and recall of technique and instruction.
  • People and/or dogs dealing with severe issues related to fear & anxiety, “starting” in a safe home environment creates comfort and less stress.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the structure of online sessions?

Sessions are personally tailored to you, not generic.
Online sessions are scheduled to your progress with flexibility, usually 2-3 weeks apart.
In-depth explanations during conversation, with your personal situations.
Emailed handouts, live demos during sessions, and video critiquing feedback.

Are the classes in real time or pre-recorded?

All online classes are in real time via video conference call.
Sessions are recorded and shared for multiple playbacks to remember instructions and demonstrations.

Does the trainer need to see my dog in person to help?

Not necessarily. It all comes together with the humans. The conversation and discussion of current events and then changes to be made is all done through us humans. Even when doing an in-person session, your dog doesn’t always display the behaviour you are trying to show the trainer. You will be capturing real time video at home.

What if I have questions in between sessions?

Yes absolutely! Just reach out and get a real answer response not pre-recorded.
Progression updates and videos are sent by you to me between classes for feedback on techniques, support, and guidance.

How long will it take to make progress in training?

Progress depends on your goals and the amount of work needed. Your dedication and follow-through are crucial for success. With support and feedback provided to keep you moving forward, what you put in, is what you get out of it.

Helping people achieve their goals

  • Locally in Calgary
  • Surrounding areas
  • Across Canada
  • USA
  • Internationally