"Dogs are meant to compliment our lives, not complicate them."

Dog Training Myths

Dog Training Myths

Dog training myths often cloud our understanding of what truly works when it comes to teaching our furry friends. By exploring and debunking some common myths, we can improve our training techniques and build stronger relationships with our dogs.

Here are five widespread dog training myths:


1. The shorter the leash, the easier it is to teach the dog to stay close to me when walking.

Contrary to popular belief, a shorter leash does not necessarily make it easier to teach a dog to walk closely. In fact, it can create tension and anxiety, leading to more pulling behaviors. Training a dog to walk nicely involves teaching them to pay attention to their handler and to stay close without feeling restrained.

A better approach involves using a longer leash to allow some freedom, paired with consistent training on how to walk without pulling. This teaches the dog to choose to stay close rather than being forced to do so.


2. If I don’t give my dog a bone, I won’t have to worry about resource guarding.

Avoiding the provision of certain items like bones to prevent resource guarding is a misconception. Resource guarding is a behavior rooted in a dog’s instinct to protect valuable resources.

The key is not avoidance but rather teaching the dog to trust that humans around them do not pose a threat to their resources. Training methods include teaching the dog to drop items on command and rewarding them for calm behavior when people approach their resources.


3. Using treats (food) during training will cause my dog to only listen with food.

This myth stems from a misunderstanding of how training incentives work. Using treats effectively can actually enhance learning and reinforce good behavior.

The key is to gradually phase out the treats and replace them with other types of rewards like praise or play, which ensures that the dog does not become dependent on food rewards. Furthermore, varying the type of treats and when they are given can prevent a dog from expecting food every single time they perform a command.


4. There is no way my dog will learn to like the crate.

Many believe that dogs naturally despise crates, but crates can actually become a safe haven for dogs if introduced properly. The crate training process involves associating the crate with positive experiences, such as feeding meals inside it and providing comfortable bedding and favorite toys.

With patience and positive reinforcement, most dogs can learn to see their crate as a private space where they feel secure and relaxed.


5. If I only show my dog love and give him everything without rules or discipline, he will feel safe and love me

While showing love and affection is crucial, providing structure and boundaries is equally important for a dog’s sense of security. Dogs thrive on predictability and clear expectations.

Training and discipline help create a balanced relationship where the dog understands their boundaries and looks to their owner for guidance, thus reinforcing trust and respect.

Conclusion about dog training myths

By understanding the truth behind these dog training myths, dog owners can adopt more effective training methods that foster a healthy and joyful relationship with their pets.


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